How to Keep Air Ducts Clean
06/25/2014 Back To BlogIf terms such as HVAC maintenance and condenser unit cleaning make you want to run for the hills, it is perfectly understandable as they make a relatively simple process seem so daunting. Keeping your air ducts clean is actually much less complex than it seems. The only difficult part about the whole thing is jotting down where all of the vents are located. After all, how can you perform air duct maintenance if you don’t even know where the openings are? Once you have general knowledge about the duct system and all of its parts, specialists at air duct cleaning Beverly Hills recommend opting for the following measures to keep the whole HVAC system clean or simply - opt for professional help.
The Air Filter is the Most Important Part
Also known as the HVAC filter, this is normally located very near either the air conditioner or the furnace. It can also be located in the intake register. The reason why it is so important is that when this simple filter is compromised, the entire system itself becomes jeopardized as well. Those with allergies may find themselves sneezing a lot more than usual, and it will likely only get worse from there on, not to mention the pathogens and detrimental effects they have on the immune system. Thankfully, air filter cleaning is as easy as gently removing the filter and wiping or washing all of the dust and dirt away.
Make Sure the Ventilation System Stays Clean
Dust in the ventilation system normally means dust littering your entire home. You may not notice it at first but it is only going to keep getting worse until you do something about it. It is therefore not just your air that is getting compromised, but also the overall condition of your home, furniture, clothes etc. Fortunately, simple cleaning involves either brushing or vacuuming the vent. You don’t have to try to vacuum too deeply – it might damage the duct system which could result in an air duct replacement. If you are unsure of how to do this, you could simply ask our technicians for some help.
Start Off With Profesional Help
If you find yourself at the very beginning stage, and your air ducts haven't even been cleaned yet, start off with professional help. The technicians from Air Duct Cleaning Beverly Hills will be happy to lend you a hand. After finishing this initial but crucial first step, follow the two above mentioned guidelines and your ventilation system will thank you for it. Cleaning it this way ensures that your duct system lasts for a very long time indeed.